Showing posts with label mba admissions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mba admissions. Show all posts

Essential Management Skills for non-MBAs

Management skills are not the copyright of MBAs only. They can be acquired by all and should be indeed! They can be honed anywhere and there are some basic management skills that one should definitely implement in office, whether you are a post graduate management student or not. These skills don’t require you to do an MBA; just simple practices chalked out well and strategized to perfection can bring the same results for you as it would to anyone else in your office. Here is a lowdown on some essential MBA skills we feel that every non-MBA inculcates as a part of their daily habits. 

Communication Concord
Communication is an essential factor guiding your potential to flourish. This communication entails communication with everyone, be it, the boss, the seniors, your reporting boss, or your parallel colleagues. Opening doors to communication with your seniors and duly informing them about each effort taken by you is a strategic way to make them realize you’re at work and you are constantly contributing yourself in some way for the betterment and growth of the organization as well as the adding value to your area of work. Error free and lucid communication channels make way for informed decision making. However, your reputation is at stake unless your communication, whether written, verbal or pictorials is error-free. 

Relationship Building
Your growth and potential can be easily charted keeping your relations in place. Being in the bad books of even one essential entity in your organization can alter your efforts to nil. Thus, make sure to build strong and friendly relations with all. Most of the people in office spaces are not here to make long term friends, so don’t go ahead with those intentions, build relations in the form of give and take. Don’t keep to yourself, share knowledge even if people don’t share it with you. Your strategy here is to build relations for your interest not to calculate if you are getting more or less than you’re giving. 

Opinions Matter, When?
Opinions and judgments matter, but make sure these judgments are not personal judgments, judgments about colleague, their work profile, their salaries and their work. Your opinions should be business related and must be opined when in business meetings and other professional gatherings where you can draw some mileage out of their substance. Opining your thoughts and ideas in a clout of colleagues in a lunch room is not going to get you anywhere.
These are some of the basic and essential skills that should be considered to achieve the best in an office space. Always remember, office spaces are breeding grounds for senseless rumours and tough cutting edge politics that can make or break one's career, hence use these as daily management mantras for the best.

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Has The Global Slowdown Affected The Growth Potential For Indian MBAs?

The global economic order has been shuffling cards faster than the speed of light making job opportunities fluctuate in different countries. Situations are changing with each new set of incoming government data. So now, in such a situation how does an MBA having procured his degree from abroad, deal with the slowdown that is gripping the developed countries like the United States of America (USA) and even the United Kingdom? There are a certain things that the student must study in order to decide whether working there after the MBA makes sense. MBAupdates has researched some basic factors that must be used as parameters to decide your stance on working abroad after the MBA.

Economies and Finance

If you have done your MBA from USA or are even planning to do so, make sure to keep in mind that the US government is now promoting the smallest of the jobs to the American citizens vis-a-vis the earlier tendency of employing brilliant minded Indians. At the same time the salaries are now slightly lower than earlier as the employers are not only cutting costs but also taking advantage of the fact that the unemployment rate which is compelling people to take up any job rather than concentrate and bicker for salaries. UK has come out with a new rule that does not allow a non-resident, non-native to work beyond 2 years after their post graduate degree. This demands the student to come back to India to look for a job. Thus, rather than wasting time, coming back to your home country makes more sense; it is the opportunity cost that one must calculate.

Your Own Finance

Do remember that if you want to settle in India, it is recommended to pursue an MBA from India and if you really desire to settle abroad then a MBA from the same land makes more sense.
Reality Check: MBA in India will cost you around Rs 5-20 lakhs while abroad it will cost you anything between 15-20 lakhs or even more depending upon your institute and other aspects like the living costs. This makes it difficult for an India to work abroad especially if they have an MBA from India. Indian MBAs see more and faster growth in Indian than abroad. If you have a loan to pay then always work in the country where you have fetched your MBA from as this offers the best job deal. However, amidst the slowdown you will need to check for the job offer you get and the scope it has for growth. Running a basic cost-benefit analysis will help you assess your situation.

These are the two main factors one must study; the results will be subjective in nature they are based on the person financial background, the loan scene if any and their willingness to settle in the home country or abroad. However, few years back the time was good where student did not have to think about these factors but now when the job preferences in countries are under flux, that calls for assessing your own situation and position first is highly recommended by the MBAupdates.

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