Issues of the men and women have dominated debates since the beginning of mankind. Women were classified to be home makers and the child bearers whereas men were the bread winners, earning a living for their family for basic sustenance and life. Today, things have changed. In fact, MBAupdates thinks that the profile of men has more or less remained the same, but women have added more cookies to their already heavy baskets. Women can multi task, yes it is a fact, and this is exactly what has given them the edge over men when it comes to see-sawing between, home and work. This in fact is the biggest proof of women being better managers than men. Multi-tasking means increasing productivity in two spheres making them better contenders to help increase productivity in the nation, at large. Here are few reasons why MBAupdates gives away the trophy to the fairer sex MBA.
Flexibility Adding To Productivity
Women are known to be more flexible and probably that one reason why women leave their houses after marriage then men. Flexibility and the openness of the mind add more value to their productivity. Since birth, women know they have to handle both home and work and hence their thought processes are less restrictive in nature that attempt to navigate and find ways to reach the result faster and yes, the same result with any compromises MBA.
Women Are More Ethical
Women are known to be more ethical as their efficiency has more finesse than that of men. This is the reason why they do not really resort to unethical and illegal articles at work. Women are lesser corrupt than men by a whopping 40%. Women include more considerations than men do and hence the try to encompass most of the factors that would probably affect their final product even before a project has started lending them the ability to do tasks without any negative assistance.
Tolerance Levels
Women are more tolerant than men and are stronger at handling feeling of dejection, incompetence and failure. Men often take such adjectives on their ego resulting in a depressive state of mind incapable of adding more productivity to any official result at work or any other place. Higher tolerance levels help them deal with a range of diverse problems unlike men who have a lower threshold on tolerating nuances at work.
As women have the ability to think 360 degrees, they are more tactful while handling people, managing expectations, giving feedback that reflect as being more responsible. This makes top bosses trust women more than men. Women understand the finer elements and threads of relations and expectation based on the value system as they are multi-faceted by nature and profile.
Yes, thus employing more women at a macro country level will definitely help increase the productivity, efficiency through timely execution and a finer understanding of the scope of the work, as women understand expectations better.
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