TISS 2013–Tips for General Awareness section

The general awareness section is considered to be one of the most challenging sections to score in Indian competitive exams, be it any exams the SNAP, XAT or even TISSNET for that matter. TISSNET 2013 has gone online this year. The exams are going to be held of January 13, 2013 and the results will be declared by the end of the same month. The TISS 2013 general awareness and current affairs sections is the easiest to tackle in the entire paper. It will be even easier with the exam being basis on multiple choice questions. Sample TISS papers and past year TISS papers for mba can be referred by students to analyze some of the trends and manner in which questions are asked in this section.
The major issues surrounding this section is that the syllabus for this section is massive and hence the students get confused as to what is to be ignored and what is to be read thoroughly. MBAupdates puts your doubts to rests after examining the Sample TISS papers and past years TISS papers mba.
  • The main readings need to revolve around the absolutely current happenings in India andbeyond. This can be done with the help of newspaper reading of major dailies like Times of India, Economic time and good editorials like The Hindu. What is I needed is effective reading, reading smart. Reading smart happens with reading the main headline of the national news, international news and the economy sections while merely glancing through the entire newspaper should suffice. Read only the stories of main pages mentioned above. The business section readings should include latest news on the Indian banking riles, systems, changes, amendments, FDI news, SEZ news and other small but significant business changes including exports and imports.
  •  Readings on history and geography can be done from basic CBSE history and geography books form the standard 5th to High school CBSE till the 12th. The polity and Indian economy sections can be covered with ease with readings of editorial sections of reputed newspapers like The Hindu and the Indian Express. For this section even reading weekly and bi-weekly quality magazines like India today, outlook etc. are a good idea.
  •  Science and technology is a new development that is often emphasised on in the current affairs sections. This should include readings on new inventions and discoveries that can be covered form year books like Manorama and other year books of leverage. Year old knowledge on technology should be enough.
  •  International and other national organisational structures along with their ruling heads and official signatories should be known to the student. Even major development schemes in MNREGA and other Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan should be well-read off. Books on International relation by M.L Jhingan used at Masters Level could be of great use.

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