Top 5 Must-Read Books For MBA Students in India

A real MBA is an all-rounder, an aspiring student in his times, popular in college and a leader at work. How does this happen? Does it merely happen by attending a good reputed and ranked business school? No, it happens by gaining knowledge and hearing out other people’s experiences. Not often do we know people of relevance whose experiences we can learn from. But, don’t forget we have books where innumerable applicable and real-life experiences offer abundant knowledge at hardly any cost. Use this to aid you to become the real MBA you desire to be. MBAupdates encourages you to read the following books from Indian management scene.

World Class in India: A Casebook of Companies in Transformation, Gita Piramal

This Penguin India book is a must-have, as it supports the case for corporate India to make necessary changes and amendments in context of the global scenario. It talks about the managers of the now big corporate and their resistance to changes that could have cost fortunes. It is a well-researched book diving into various industries and sub sections attempting to understand the psyche of the corporate Indian leaders.

Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, C.K. Prahalad

This book by the reputed management Guru C.K. Prahalad offers some great insight into how the developing countries, like the BRIC nations are actually offering more poor population to make great markets out off. The story of the new market begins form the bottom of the pyramid than the top cream section. This is a book with different perspective that will set you thinking.

Count Your Chickens before They Hatch, Arindam Choudhary

This book explores the different angles making it an encompassing read for an MBA. It starts with the need of the hour in terms of managers and human labour, comparatively analysed by the industry specific experts who possess these qualities along with the psychology of the leader unfolded in each page. This book is a great read to understand the Indian business manager.

Winning StrategiesShiv Khera

Winning Strategies edges more towards personal development. It teaches the correct attitude 
that business leaders should have, inter personal skills they should develop, how they should set their goal and how strategies are made based on the personal abilities assessed by an individual. This a definite read for all those suffering from taking that extra step forward due to the feeling of incapability and low self-esteem.

Sack the CEO, Jitendra Jain

This is humorous account fictionalised by the author who aims to talks about the different types of leaders, managers and bosses and how each should be dealt with. It unfolds a strategy, strategy worth lending your ears to.
These are some of the most resourceful chosen books after careful and relevant research by the MBAupdates team.

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